Tips to score in OET Reading
OET Reading consists of three parts. Part A, B, and C . There are 42 questions to complete in 60 minutes.
OET Reading Part A consists of 20 questions that evaluate your speed and accuracy of the language and should be completed within 15 minutes. The question paper booklet will be collected after 15 minutes and answers a space to write the answers.
It consists of four short subtexts, and there are mainly three question types are
- Matching questions
- Short answer questions
- Sentence completion questions
Text A of Part A will discuss the main subject, which can be
- A disease condition /procedure/symptoms etc
- Definition/overview of the subject
The information will be given in a box and mainly discussed three to four points.
Text B of Part A will be a detailed explanation of Text A.
Text C of Part A will be a graphical representation like a flow chart, diagrams, graph, etc.
Text D of Part A is similar to text B and is often confusing, and it is usually a piece of discharge advice, follow up, management summary, etc.
Part B of the reading task consists of six short texts, and each reader is unique and different from the other. To score in this part of the OET reading, one has to identify the detail, gist, or main points, identify specific ideas at the sentence level, and learn about workplace communications. To score in this part of OET, reading knowledge about the syntax of different informative medical texts is crucial.
As mentioned before, the texts are not connected, and topics can be
- Policy documents
- Hospital guidelines
- Manuals
- Internal communications such as e-mails or memos
- Brochures
- Notice
- Handbook.
There are six questions to answer and each about 100-150 words. The task is to pick the correct answer from the three options.
Part C consists of two texts, each having 800 words each. Eight MCQ (multiple choice questions) will be asked from each text, and appropriate answers should be chosen from the given four options.
Through Part C candidate’s ability to identify detailed meaning and opinion presented in the text. Along with that, a person’s aptitude to understand the explicit or implied meaning of sentences and their ability to identify the attitude or opinion presented in a longer text is measured. One should be able to understand lexical references and complex phrases accurately. Understanding the presentation of numerical and textual information helps in winning this part of OET reading.
- Begin with a skim
We know that in Part A, we have to answer 20 questions in 15 mins that means we should not take more than 45 s to answer this particular portion. Hence the detailed reading of this part is not possible. Then what can be done?
First, read the first sentence and last sentence of the text to get a general idea of what it implies. Then identify the keywords from the questions and find answers. Answers to questions from one to seven can be found by this method.
- Remember the data you already collected.
With the help of locating keywords that guided us in answering the first seven questions, we have a brief idea of what each text is about. This knowledge will direct us to locate the answers to questions from 8 to 20. Accordingly, we can complete Part A of the reading module in OET.
- Be prepared to skip a question.
When you come around a question that seems confusing or needs more time to decipher, do not stick around; learn to move forward to the next question. After completing the whole task, we can come back to deal with the left out one.
- Write precisely what you read.
In the reading module of the OET examination, you have to write the same word from the passage. Spelling mistakes are not acceptable, and your score will be reduced on this ground. So be careful when you copy and paste from the passage.
- Provide yourself with plenty of practice
Collect as many reading materials as possible and find time to read them. Medical journals, articles, or even stories don’t matter what you read to improve your reading habit.
As you know, Reading the subtext of OET deals with your reading ability; therefore, you must improve your reading skill. You are explaining some techniques you can use to upgrade your reading ability.
- Reading with a chunk of words
Instead of picking up each word and reading, read by a cluster of words. This method increases your ability to understand the contextual meaning and your reading speed.
- Maintain a comfortable position while reading
This is very important because if you have been reading for a long time, it can cause tiring of your eyes and feel stressed out. To avoid this, do not hold your reading material too close to you nor far away from you; sit in a comfortable position and read.
- Letter colouring
This is a new but effective method to improve your reading skill as it improves your concentration while reading a lot of long paragraphs.
Take a newspaper or any long reading material and colour the space inside every letter in it. For example, take small notes etc.; inside these letters, you have some room to colour, but for letters , I, etc., we do not have a whole space to colour.
- Finding words
This method needs the help of another person. Give a reading material about 100 to 200 words to this person and ask them to select a unique expression, a noun or verb, or adjective and then within a time frame, we have to find the word. As you improve, decrease your time to increase your efficiency.
- Read regularly
The term is self-explanatory; you have to read every day, and it is essential to track your progress.
To improve your knowledge level and the chance of succeeding in OET would be significantly high if you go along with the daily grammar challenge of Tiju’s Academy. If you want to participate in that, please go to the,
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