OET Serious Mistakes Part 59 | Tijus Academy- Best OET, IELTS, CBT & PTE Coaching Centre In Kerala

OET Serious Mistakes Part 59

OET Serious Mistakes Part 59 by Tiju Antony
OET Serious Mistakes Part 59

OET Serious Mistakes Part 59


  • Verbs with to infinitives
  • Where do we use ‘no article/zero article?’
  • Using Articles with Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
  • Agreement of Subjects and verbs  with one another in number (singular or plural)
  • Has and Have in subject verb agreement/ The verb form of have/has
  • Difference of period of time and point of time– since/for
  • Use of simple past for past events and situation
  • Different ways of writing compound words(single word/two words/hyphenated)
  • form of tenses have no passive voice
  • Capitalisation of days of the week
  • Prepositions of time at/in/on
  • Identifying adverbs/adjectives
  • Plural nouns without ‘s’
  • Non-continuous verbs /verbs we do not normally use with continuous tenses.
  • Use of ‘the’ multiple times
  • The verb form of has/have/has been

Grammar Challenge Questions

Try to answer these OET grammar challenges by yourself and watch the video after that to get a detailed explanation of all your answers. No matter how much you learn, learning a thing deeply with all its rules impacts. This grammar session improves your knowledge level, and the chance of succeeding in OET would be significantly high. Tiju’s Academy conducts grammar challenges every day, and if you want to participate in that, please go to the Facebook page: Tijusacademy.
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  1. She applied pressure to arm to stop the bleeding.
  2. She applied pressure to her arm stopping the bleeding.
  3. She applied pressure to her arm to stop the bleeding.


  1. The party can be arranged.
  2. A party can be arranged.
  3. Party can be arranged.


  1. The drug can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.
  2. The drug can reduce the frequency and the severity of attacks.
  3.  Drugs can reduce the frequency and severity of attacks.


  1. These incidents has increased in frequency.
  2. These incidents have increased in frequency.
  3. These incidents have increases in frequency.


  1. She has a hectic schedule for the next few days.
  2. She has  hectic schedule for the next few days.
  3. She has a hectic schedule since the next few days.


  1. We had to work a lot of overtime to meet the strict schedule.
  2. We have to work a lot of over-time to meet the strict schedule.
  3. We had to work a lot of overt time to meet the strict schedule.


  1. The meeting had been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
  2. The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
  3. The meeting has scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.


  1. The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon.
  2. Meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon.
  3. The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon.


  1. No regular cases were scheduled on wednesdays.
  2. No regular cases were scheduled on Wednesdays.
  3. No- regular cases were scheduled on Wednesdays.


  1. She was curiously reluctant to talk about the experience.
  2. She was curiously reluctanted to talk about the experience.
  3. She was curiously reluctance to talk about the experience.


  1. Medical staff are advising patience to avoid using the cream.
  2. Medical staff is advising patience to avoid using the cream.


  1. I am believing you.
  2. I believe you.


  1. She has not been working here for very long.
  2. She has not working here for very long.


  1. There is a greater emphasis on preventive medicines.
  2. There is a greater emphasis on the preventive medicines.


  1. How would you like to spend the rest of the day?
  2. How would you like to spend rest of the day?


  1. It is not known what causes the disease.
  2. It is not known what cause the disease.
OET Serious Mistakes Part 59

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