OET Serious Mistakes Part-63
- Using multiple articles in the same sentence
- Use of simple past for past events and situation
- Maintaining the Same Verb Tense in Your Sentences
- Use of has to, have to, had to
- The verb form of have/has
- Using Articles with Countable and Uncountable Nouns.
- Difference between ‘used to’ and ‘used to be.’
- Where do we use ‘no article/zero article?’
- Using pronouns for clarity
- The verb form of ‘have to.’
- Fixed prepositions/prepositional verbs
Grammar Challenge Questions
Try to answer these OET grammar challenges by yourself and watch the video after that to get a detailed explanation of all your answers. No matter how much you learn, learning a thing deeply with all its rules impacts. This grammar session improves your knowledge level, and the chance of succeeding in OET would be significantly high. Tiju’s Academy conducts grammar challenges every day, and if you want to participate in that, please go to the Facebook page: Tijusacademy.
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YouTube: tijusacademy
- She lost a leg in motorcycle accident
- She lost leg in a motorcycle accident
- She lost a leg in a motorcycle accident
- His right arm became infected and had to be amputated
- His right arm becomes infected and had to be amputated
- His right arm became infected and has to be amputated
- It takes a long time for the wounds to heal
- It took a long time for the wounds to heal
- It takes a long time for wounds to heal
- The incident has caused enormous stress and anxiety to my family
- The incident has causing enormous stress and anxiety to my family
- The incident has caused an enormous stress and anxiety to my family
- She uses to be a video game addict
- She used to be a video game addict
- She used to play video games
- He died of heart failure
- He died of a heart failure
- He carried the child on shoulder
- He carried the child on his shoulder
- I have to have shoulder surgery
- I have to had shoulder surgery
- She shouldered past a woman with a screaming baby
- She is shouldered past a woman with a screaming baby
- Greater access to medical care for older people will result in reductions in mortality
- Greater access to medical care for older people will result for reductions in mortality
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