OET Serious Mistakes-Part 50(Tiju’s Academy-The Best Online & Offline OET Coaching Center in Kerala).This Session includes OET Serious Mistakes in Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading.

OET Serious Mistakes-Part 50
OET Serious Mistake sessions have been conducted every Sunday at 8 pm by Mr Tiju Antony on YouTube and Facebook. This session helps students to excel in their knowledge in grammar and succeed in their OET exam quickly. Even though OET is a profession-related test, grammar significantly impacts it because OET assesses language, not professional knowledge, how the students communicate with an interlocutor or through their letter matters. Grammar is not only needed for writing and speaking. It is also required for reading and listening. If the students know the grammar, they can perfectly understand the context and respond to it . Having excellent knowledge of grammar has a great impact on one’s OET exam.
1) Question No:1
- (A) Does the pain interfere with your sleeping ?
- (B) Does the pain interferes with your sleeping ?
- (C) Does the pain interfered with your sleeping ?
2) Question No:2
- (A) Have you ever had any surgery ?
- (B) Have you ever has any surgery ?
- (C) Had you ever had any surgery ?
3) Question No:3
- (A) Does she exercise regularly ?
- (B) Do she exercise regularly ?
- (C) Does she exercises regularly ?
4) Question No:4
- (A) Have you bring any recent x-rays with you ?
- (B) Have you brings any recent x-rays with you ?
- (C) Have you brought any recent x-rays with you ?
5) Question No:5
- (A) There is a risk of infection after surgery
- (B) There is a risk of an infection after surgery
- (C) There is risk of infection after surgery
6) Question No:6
- (A) This information need to be give to the specialist
- (B) This information needs to be given to the specialist
- (C) This informations needs to be given to specialist
7) Question No:7
- (A) The clinic will open at 7am tomorrow
- (B) The clinic opens at 7am tomorrow
- (C) The clinic will be opened at 7am tomorrow
8) Question No:8
- (A) She has vomits 3 times for 2 pm
- (B) She has vomited 3 times for 2 pm
- (C) She has vomited 3 times since 2 pm
9) Question No:9
- (A) He has had productive cough since almost a week
- (B) He has had a productive cough since almost a week
- (C) He has had a productive cough for almost a week
10) Question No:10
- (A) He has been experience severe headaches since Monday
- (B) He has been experiencing severe headaches since Monday
- (C) He had been experiencing severe headaches for monday
Try to answer these OET grammar challenges by yourself and watch the video after that to get a detailed explanation of all your answers. No matter how much you learn, learning a thing deeply with all its rules impacts. This grammar session improves your knowledge level, and the chance of succeeding in OET would be significantly high.
Tiju’s Academy conducts grammar challenges every day, and if you want to participate in that, please go to the Facebook page: Tijusacademy.
YouTube: tijusacademy
We upload OET related tips and strategies on all these social media, which significantly impacts students. Grammar is the stepping stone for a language, and if you know the grammar, then there is less likely to worry about communication.OET would become much easier if you learn the grammar properly and we are doing the same. Tiju’s Academy teaches the students from the basic level, which paves the way to succeed in life and their exams because we design the course based on each student requirement.No matter which language is your first language, Tiju’s Academy is there to help you.
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