How to Organize an OET Writing Referral Letter
In OET writing, many nurses consider a simple referral and an urgent referral letter to be the same. However, there is a significant difference in terms of organization. Although the word “referral” is in both types of OET letters, it doesn’t mean both should be organized in the same way. If you don’t organize it based on the context, all the effort becomes futile. Therefore, planning and organizing beforehand helps one to write the OET letter more efficiently and attain the required B score in OET Writing.
Simple Referral Letter in OET Writing
In OET writing, specifically the OET Writing Referral Letter, a simple referral letter can be written chronologically or thematically based on the context and the reader. Although the relevant and irrelevant information has been interpreted correctly, it is also essential to organize it properly. Planning the letter’s organization is a vital step in OET Writing because it helps manage time effectively.
Chronological Writing in OET
Chronological writing is based on the visits. In the OET writing case notes, there would be numerous visits and information; organizing all will be an arduous task. In that case, you could use the chronological method. For instance, if the patient comes on dates such as 10 March 2021, 20 March 2021, and 30 March 2021, write the complaints of 10 March 2021 in one paragraph and the remaining two dates in subsequent paragraphs.
Thematic Writing in OET
Thematic writing means putting the essential information first. There will be enormous information in the case note, but finding the most relevant details for the reader is crucial. Even though there are many conditions, we always need to prioritize the essential ones. For example, if the purpose is the ongoing monitoring of diabetes, start the paragraph with information related to diabetes, then complaints, medication, and non-compliance with diabetes. The second paragraph should focus on relevant medical events and co-morbidities, providing relevant background details for the reader.
Urgent Referral Letter in OET Writing
When it comes to urgent referral letters in the OET Writing Referral Letter, you need to give more importance to the presenting complaints. Therefore, after stating the purpose, the following paragraph should address the presenting complaints, followed by the remaining content. The reader is more interested in knowing what has just happened, what treatment has been provided, and details of the patient’s current situation. In a practical situation, if a patient comes to an emergency department, nurses or doctors always focus on the present complaint first, providing necessary care before addressing other complaints. Health professionals need to know the current complaints before proceeding with care.
In OET Writing, if you see the words “immediate,” “urgent,” or “emergency,” avoid writing chronologically or thematically. Many nurses confuse these terms. Some consider a note labelled “early diagnosis” as urgent, but that is incorrect. Only the terms “immediate,” “urgent,” or “emergency” indicate an urgent letter in an OET Writing Referral Letter. Understanding the type of letter is very important before organizing it.
No matter to whom you are referring, if it is an urgent referral, you need to write the chief complaint in the second paragraph after stating the purpose. In the writing task, read the instructions first to determine whether it is an urgent or a simple referral letter. Another way to find out is by reading the discharge plan or the management section, which will give a clear indication of whether it is a simple or urgent referral letter.
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