Easy Way To Understanding Oet Speaking | 2023




One of the most complicated scoring tests a candidate can take is the OET speaking! It is difficult and not as simple as it may seem to make the examiners feel impressed by what you say. Any error you make will be scrutinised by the professionals evaluating you who are seated there. You are assessed for each error you make, and every mistake counts. So, you must be very confident in both your message and delivery. Your tone, fluency, expressiveness, and confidence are just as important as your substance. Make sure to use these straightforward yet crucial ways to improve your speech throughout the speaking portion of the OET.

Understanding OET Speaking


Being a doctor or nurse in a hospital puts you in charge of the situation. You don’t need to wait for the patient to ask you a question or speak. You start the dialogue by explaining the predicament to the patient and his family, both now and in the future. Why then do you insist on speaking before the OET person, who plays the patient? Take charge of the conversation and start talking.


It is up to you how you continue the conversation now that you have opened it up. If there is pause and then the dialogue resumes, you must keep it going until it is essential. Instead of the OET person, it should be you who has that spark. So continue the conversation. And you must coerce the patient into speaking if he won’t. You can do this by probing the patient with questions to demand a response and start a conversation. Moreover, be sure to offer open-ended questions rather than requesting a simple “Yes” or “No” response from the patient. The patient should feel at ease with you and open up to you.


Now that the patient has started speaking, it is your time to pay close attention to what he has to say. While the OET speaking subtest looks at your speaking style, listening is as crucial. If you don’t pay close attention to what the patient is saying, you won’t be able to discern what he needs from you and hence won’t be able to offer a pertinent and useful response. After all, communication is a two-way process in which both persons interested in the conversation participate by speaking and listening.


As was already said, the OET speaking test will evaluate both your quality and your substance. This implies that every aspect of your speech, including tone and phrasing, will be scrutinised. You must be aware of and comprehend your audience if you want to get along. What age is the patient? What state is the patient in? How happy or unhappy is the patient feeling? Respond to these inquiries since they will undoubtedly affect the language, the words, and the tone of your voice.

With this knowledge, it is crucial that you keep everything in mind while you get ready for your OET. Your OET test preparation strategy is crucial. Professional training at a reputable institute is one of the greatest strategies to get ready effectively. Tiju’s Academy is a reputable institution where you can receive the necessary training and test-taking tips to effectively complete the OET with the highest possible results.

Understanding OET Speaking

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Understanding OET Speaking, Tijus Academy

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Tiju's Academy

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