Interpretation of Question Mark in OET Writing
Question mark (?) is the common symbol used in OET Writing case notes. It is placed next to another word. You need to interpret this symbol and transform it into a complete, accurate sentence. You will have to change case notes into grammatically correct sentences to clarify the meaning to the reader. A question mark or query in the OET Writing case notes denotes a possibility or uncertainty about a medical observation. It is significant to give special attention to it. You will have to know that only an opinion has been made; a diagnosis is not conclusive. You have to describe it carefully and accurately in your letter when practising for the OET Writing sub-test.
In the Writing sub-test of OET, you will have to write a type of letter. It can be a referral, discharge or other types of letter. You have to be sure about the content of it provides the reader with all the necessary information they need to continue care of the patient. You can find All the content you need in the case notes. However, not all the case notes will be relevant to the letter. You will need to decide which information the reader needs while accurately representing the case notes; you pull the content from the given information.
You are only required to choose the essential information according to what is stated in your job. The Writing task is placed at the end of the case notes. It often includes the type of letter you need to write and the letter’s main topic. The case notes are not given in flawless sentences, and mainly they are challenging to understand. So, you need to interpret the given case notes. It would be best to accurately interpret the case notes because misinterpretations will result in incorrect information in your letter.
You are supposed to know the medical meaning of short forms in the case notes as you use them in your workplace. But it can be challenging to translate the meaning aptly in a formal English sentence. Make sure that which will provide clarity in a sense to the readers. Question marks can appear in any section. So, it is essential to notice, understand and use it in the proper context.
Meaning of question mark (?) symbol in the OET case note Writing
Examples for Case notes (1)
Admission: 13/1/2020
Diagnosis:? L hip fracture (due to road accident)
Description:” Mr X was admitted on 13.1.20 with a suspected left hip fracture due to a road accident.”
If the question mark appears below the title:
Examples for Case notes (2)
Presenting Complaint: Alopecia (6months). ? depression.
Description: “Mr X showed with a 6-month history of alopecia. He has also experienced depression connected with this.
Examples for Case notes (3)
Presenting Complaint: pain in the lower abdomen (2weeks). Pt concerned.? Hernia
Description: “Mr X has a pain in the lower abdomen for two weeks. He shows concern about the possibility of a hernia.”
It could also appear near the end of the case notes under Assessment or Plan– this often denotes a possible diagnosis of a health condition or a suggested plan of action.
Examples for Case notes (4)
15/1/2020 Assessment: Pt unwell. ? relapse / possible complications of pericarditis.
Description: “Mr X seems unwell today. I suspect it is a case of relapse of pericarditis, with the possibility of complications. I am referring him to you for more investigation”.
Examples for Case notes (5)
Assessment: Deteriorating CCF?
Description: He appears to have congestive cardiac failure.
Examples for Case notes (6)
Treatment Plan:? social worker appt. re: future accommodation
Description: needs an appointment with a social worker can be required to discuss future living arrangements.
Examples for Case notes (7)
Treatment Plan:? TKR (right)
Description: “He possibly will require a replacement of the right knee.
Examples for Case notes (8)
Assessment:? Pancreatic malignancy. Need for Urgent referral assessment and endoscopy.
Description: “I have a concern for the possibility of pancreatic cancer. I would be grateful for further Assessment and an endoscopy.”
Language trainers evaluate the task, not medical experts.
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