Best Samples For IELTS Essay Writing - Chapter 2

IELTS Essay Writing – Chapter 2

IELTS Writing Essay - 2 AGREE or DISAGREE
IELTS Writing Essay – 2 AGREE or DISAGREE

IELTS Essay WritingSamples


Should university students be responsible for paying the full cost of their education since the benefits of higher education only accrue to the student and not society?

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

IELTS Essay Writing : Model-1

I disagree with the notion that university students should be solely responsible for paying the full cost of their education since the benefits of higher education are not only enjoyed by the student. Although investing in an education may be beneficial to the individual, society as a whole also stands to benefit from a well-educated population. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge the collective responsibility to ensure access to higher education. 

The first argument in favor of shared responsibility for paying the cost of education is that a well-educated population is beneficial to society. Highly educated individuals are more likely to contribute to the economy through their knowledge, creativity, and innovation, which can lead to economic growth, higher wages, and improved standards of living. Furthermore, an educated population is better prepared to tackle complex social issues such as poverty, health care, and environmental sustainability. Consequently, investing in higher education should not be viewed as a private expense, but rather a collective investment in society. 

Another argument in favour of shared responsibility for the cost of education is that access to higher education should be a right, not a privilege. Higher education should not be limited to those who can afford it. Rather, it should be available to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. As such, it is important to ensure that individuals are not deterred from pursuing a university education due to financial concerns. This can be accomplished through various measures such as scholarships, grants, and government subsidies. 

Although it is true that the benefits of higher education accrue mainly to the individual, it is also important to recognize the collective benefits and acknowledge the shared responsibility to ensure access to higher education. By investing in higher education, society stands to benefit from a well-educated population, and access to a university education should be a right, not a privilege. Therefore, university students should not be solely responsible for paying the full cost of their education.

IELTS Essay writing : Model-2

I do not agree that university students should be responsible for paying the full cost of their education. It is true that higher education benefits the student directly, but there are many indirect benefits that accrue to society as well. Therefore, university students should not be solely responsible for the cost of their education. 

Higher education is an important investment in the future of an individual and of society as a whole. It gives the individual the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills that will give them a competitive advantage in the job market, allowing them to earn higher wages. This, in turn, contributes to the overall economic health of society. Higher education also gives individuals the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and contribute to the betterment of their communities.

 Furthermore, higher education is important for society in terms of innovation and research. Universities are often the source of ground-breaking research that can lead to advances in technology and medicine. This research is often funded by the public, and therefore, the public deserves to reap the benefits of this investment. 

In order to ensure access to higher education and to ensure that the public benefits from this investment, university fees should not be the sole responsibility of the student. Governments should provide financial aid to students who cannot afford the cost of higher education, and universities should consider creative ways to reduce tuition fees. For example, universities can seek out private donors or look for additional sources of funding. Additionally, universities can provide more scholarships and grants to students from low-income backgrounds. 

In conclusion, it is not fair to expect university students to shoulder the full cost of their education. Higher education is an important investment in the future of both the individual and society as a whole, and as such, governments and universities should seek out ways to reduce the cost of higher education.

IELTS Essay writing : Model-3

The question of whether university students should be responsible for the full cost of their education is one that has been debated for many years. While it is true that the benefits of higher education accrue primarily to the student and not to society, there are other factors to consider when addressing this issue.

First, the cost of higher education has risen dramatically in recent decades, putting it out of reach for many students. This has resulted in a widening gap between the haves and have-nots in our society and has created an unequal playing field for those who lack the financial means to pursue higher education. Therefore, it is important to consider the social implications of making university students solely responsible for the full cost of their education.

Second, it is often the case that university students are not in a position to fully absorb the costs of their education. This is especially true for lower-income students who may not have access to the same financial resources as their more affluent peers. Therefore, it is important for society to provide assistance to these students in order to ensure that they have an equal chance to pursue higher education.

Third, it is important to recognize that the benefits of higher education extend beyond the individual student. Higher education can lead to improved economic outcomes for society as a whole, as graduates often contribute to the economy through their work and research. Therefore, it is important for society to invest in higher education in order to reap the benefits of a more educated population.

 In conclusion, while it is true that the benefits of higher education accrue primarily to the student and not to society, there are other factors to consider when addressing this issue. In particular, it is important to consider the social implications of making university students solely responsible for the full cost of their education, the financial limits of many students, and the potential economic benefits of investing in higher education. Therefore, while university students should take responsibility for their education, society should also provide assistance and support in order to ensure equal access to higher education.

IELTS Essay writing : Model-4

The debate on whether university students should be responsible for paying the full cost of their education is one that has been long-standing and contentious. Some argue that as the benefits of higher education only accrue to the student and not society, then they should pay the full cost. However, I disagree with this statement and argue that higher education should be accessible to all, regardless of their financial means, as the benefits of higher education do not only accrue to the individual, but to society as well.

Firstly, there are many benefits to society beyond the individual when investing in higher education. It has been found that higher education is correlated with increased economic growth, with university graduates having higher wages and being more productive members of society. Additionally, higher education can lead to increased innovation and investment in research and development, as well as improved social capital and civic engagement. Therefore, it is clear that higher education is not only beneficial to the individual, but to society as a whole.

Furthermore, it is important to recognize the importance of access to higher education for those from disadvantaged backgrounds. University fees can be a significant barrier to entry for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds and can prevent them from accessing higher education, despite the potential benefits to their own life and to society. It is therefore important to ensure that university education is accessible to all, regardless of their financial means.

In conclusion, while there are benefits to higher education that accrue to the individual, there are also significant benefits to society as a whole. Therefore, I disagree with the statement that university students should be responsible for paying the full cost of their education, as this could lead to a lack of access to university education for those from disadvantaged backgrounds, and society as a whole would suffer as a result.

IELTS Essay writing : Model-5

The debate around whether university students should be responsible for paying the full cost of their education has been ongoing for many years. There are those who argue that since the benefits of higher education only accrue to the student and not society, they should bear the entire cost. On the other hand, there are those who believe that society has a responsibility to support its citizens in their pursuit of higher education since it can bring significant economic, social, and cultural benefits. After weighing the arguments on both sides, I believe that university students should not be solely responsible for covering the full cost of their education.

Firstly, it is important to recognize that the economic benefits of higher education often extend beyond the student to society. For instance, it has been established that higher education can lead to higher wages for graduates, leading to greater economic output for the nation. Moreover, research has also shown that people who hold a degree are more likely to be employed, pay taxes, and contribute to the economy. As such, it is not fair to expect university students to bear the brunt of the financial burden for something that will benefit society in the long run.

Additionally, the cost of higher education has been steadily rising, making it increasingly difficult for students from low-income families to pursue a university degree. If university students are expected to pay the full cost of their education, it may lead to a situation where only those from privileged backgrounds can afford to attend college. This would mean that opportunities for social and economic mobility would be greatly limited, since only a select few would be able to access higher education.

Finally, it is also important to consider the fact that universities are often funded by the government, either directly or indirectly. This means that the taxpayers’ money is already contributing to the cost of higher education, and it would be unfair to expect the students to bear the entire burden. Furthermore, many universities also offer scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial aid to students from low-income families, so it can be argued that the government is already doing its part to make higher education more accessible.

In conclusion, it is clear that university students should not be solely responsible for paying the full cost of their education. It is important to recognize that higher education has numerous benefits for society, and that the cost of university has been steadily rising. Moreover, taxpayers’ money is already contributing to the cost of higher education, and universities offer financial aid to those from lower-income families. For all of these reasons, it is only fair to expect the government and universities to do their part in helping university students with the cost of their education.

IELTS Essay Writing : Model-6

The debate over whether university students should be responsible for the full cost of their education is a complex one. On the one hand, it is argued that the benefits of higher education are enjoyed only by the individual student and not society; thus, these costs should be fully borne by the student. On the other hand, some argue that higher education is a public good that should be supported and funded by society in order to ensure its availability to all, regardless of their financial means.

It is true that the individual student is the primary beneficiary of higher education. Upon completion of a university degree, the student is likely to have a higher earning potential, expanded career opportunities, and the ability to make more informed decisions about their future. Furthermore, it can be argued that the cost of higher education should be seen as an investment rather than an expense, as the benefits of a university degree can last a lifetime. Given this, it could be argued that university students should be responsible for paying the full cost of their education.

However, it is also important to consider the wider societal benefits that result from higher education. By investing in higher education, society can stimulate economic growth, increase social mobility, and develop a more educated and productive workforce. Furthermore, universities are important institutions for research and development, which have the potential to benefit society in countless ways. For these reasons, it could be argued that higher education should not be seen as solely a personal investment, but rather as a public good that should be supported and funded by society.

In conclusion, it is evident that both sides of the argument have merit. While it is true that the individual student is the primary beneficiary of higher education, it is also important to consider the wider societal benefits that result from investment in higher education. For these reasons, it can be argued that university students should not be responsible for the full cost of their education, but rather that society should also contribute to its funding.

IELTS Essay writing : Model-7

The debate over who should pay for university education is a contentious one, with many people arguing that students should be responsible for the full cost of their education due to the benefits of higher education only accruing to the student and not society. While there is some merit to this argument, I do not agree that students should bear the full cost of their education.

One of the main arguments in favor of students being responsible for the full cost of their education is that the benefits of higher education only accrue to the student and not society. It is true that university education can provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to secure higher paying jobs and thus improve their own financial circumstances. However, it is also true that society as a whole benefits from a more educated population, as it can lead to a more productive workforce, new innovations, and increased tax revenue. Therefore, it would be unfair to place the full burden of university education on students when society also benefits from it.

Another argument in favor of students paying the full cost of their education is that university education can be expensive and can put a strain on the resources of government and taxpayers. While this is true, it is important to consider the alternatives to having students pay the full cost of their education. For example, governments could provide higher education subsidies or grants to students, or universities could offer merit-based scholarships to help students pay for their tuition. This could help alleviate the burden on taxpayers, while still allowing students to pursue higher education.

In conclusion, while there is some merit to the argument that students should pay for the full cost of their education due to the benefits of higher education only accruing to the student and not society, I do not agree with this assessment. Having students bear the full burden of university education is unfair when society also benefits from it. Furthermore, there are alternative solutions that could help reduce the financial burden on students, such as government subsidies and merit-based scholarships.

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